Feral Cat Helpers
Mt. Pleasant, SC
A Non-Profit 501(C)(3) Organization
About Us
We are a non-profit cat rescue organization located in Mount Pleasant , SC. Founded in August 2015. Our program TVAR (Trap, Vaccinate, Alter and Return/Re-home) is set up for the feral and stray cats in our community enabling them to be Charleston County protected Free Roaming Cats.
In addition to our TVAR program, we provide daily feedings to our various cat colonies and outdoor shelters to keep the cats out of the elements in the Mt. Pleasant area. Managing these cat colonies gives our community cats healthier and longer lives. Currently FCH cares for 50+ colony cats on a daily basis. Additionally we provide cat food to many low income senior cat owners regularly. We've trapped, altered, vaccinated and returned over 500 cats to date.
Our ultimate goal is to open a CAT SANCTUARY so that the community feral and abandoned cats could have a safe place to live and be cared for. In order to make this possible FCH would need a donation of land/use of land in the East Cooper area.
FCH is dedicated to the care and well being of the stray and feral cats in Mt. Pleasant, SC. Click on the tabs above to find out how you can help: Volunteer, Adopt, Donate & News
Follow us on: Facebook, Twitter & Instagram (Links at the bottom of this page.)
Thank you for your support.
Paula G
"Saving one cat may not make a difference in the world,
but it will make a world of difference to that one cat."

FCH Manages Cat Colonies
FCH uses a program called TVAR (Trap, Vaccinate, Alter Return.) By managing cats instead of simply feeding them, we improve their life quality and make them easier to care for and live with. They're no longer spraying, yowling and kittening. This alone justifies the TVAR work required to establish a managed cat colony. Currently FCH provides care for approximately 50 free roaming cats in our area on a daily basis. Additionally we provide cat food to many low income senior cat owners regularly. We've trapped, vaccinated, altered and returned over 100 cats per year in the East Cooper area.

FCH Outdoor Shelters
Lilly and her colony mates have shelter to stay warm and dry.
Table for 3

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Scroll Down on page and
Click on: Feral Cat Helpers Inc
Click on: View Our Pets
To Become A Kitten Sponsor Which Includes Giving It A Name Please Email us at: FeralCatHelpers@gmail.com
Sponsorship is a $50 donation that helps us get the kittens its 1st vaccines, etc.
Each Sponsor will be sent a photo & bio of their sponsored kitten.
Please consider a tax deductible donation by using the PayPal "donate" button
or via VENMO:
Feral Cat Helpers KitCats 9639
or you can mail a money
order/personal check to:
Feral Cat Helpers
PO Box 24
Isle of Palms, SC 29451